I am so blessed that music has graced my life in the deep and profound way that it has.
As a chronically shy child, it gave me a voice. As an insecure teenager it gave me confidence and a purpose, and now as a creative person it gives me a form of focused expression and a vocation. Throughout my 20's, being a mum with limited support and tight finances my hours and hours of practicing and song writing served as a form of entertainment and therapy, and before I was being paid in dollars for my services, singing provided me with the exchange of learning, travelling, fine dining and many, many good times with great people from all around the world along the way. When I was younger, and felt like I was less worthy than others for one reason or another, music gave me a sense of grace and value that enabled me to keep my head held high. It gave me a reason to stand up straight and breathe deeply. Once when I lost all hope music reminded me of miracles and magic. Another time when I felt caged, music gave me wings and demanded that I spread them wide and take flight. As an extroverted introvert it has given me an easy way to experience a beautiful and fun connection with others. I think the most important thing music gives me is a strong sense that I have something to contribute. It gives me a sense of value. It gives me roots and a connection to my ancestors that I will never meet in the flesh, but I find them there, in the spirit of songs, in the movement of the breath in my body transforming into sound, in the universal emotions expressed in rhythms and melodies. Whenever I feel that my emotions are too big for me, music provides more than enough room for me to express myself, and the vastness of space within the boundless realms of music never fails to make my state of unease feel small, insignificant and even invisible. Music has nurtured me, soothed me, uplifted me and blessed me. It has saved me time and time again and it has let me tap into the essence of who I really am, freely showing me the depth of my soul, the length of my shadows, the truth behind my insecurities and the extent of my intellect. Like a devotee, I have followed the calling of music as it winds me along a life path that has allowed me to look into my self and out at the world through eyes of love. It has taught me to face my darkest fears, and through song I dare to see my authentic self stripped back to the soul. It's there in the heart of music that I have experienced my own unique connection to God.
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