Have you ever heard a song that has made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end, or given you the goose bumps, or brought you to tears? If so then you have already tapped into, and experienced the magic of music at it’s depths. Have you ever watched someone singing with all their heart and soul and felt a wave of happiness rush over you because you can feel how good singing feels to THEM? Sometimes, even when we hear a person singing out of tune, we still enjoy watching and listening to them, because they are so in the moment with what they are doing. I think leaving the experience of musical magic just to the brave and the professionals is a crying shame, and so far removed from the ancient traditions of many cultures, where singing was an intregal part of everyday peoples everyday lives. People used their voices and bodies in musical ways to connect with the sacred cycles of life and to celebrate. I'd love it if we still did this today! Everyday music for everyday people. We should all enjoy the benefits of a good old sing-a-long once in a while! If you knew, due to your physical limitations you could never be a professional athlete, would that mean that when it came to physical activity and sports you would then only ever sit on the sidelines and watch the pros? Would it mean you should stop going for those beneficial bike rides and beach walks? Would you stop playing on that social sports team that has become one of the highlights of your week? Of course not! But for a lot of people singing is surrounded in fear, and has been put totally on the sidelines as something that should be left to those lucky enough to have been supposedly born with great voices. We’ve all heard the stories about a person who loved to sing as a child, but they were told to "Be quiet!" or that they didn’t have a nice voice, or that they weren’t a good singer and so they stopped and formed negative ideas about their singing abilities and never tried to sing again. Maybe that person is you?! Sometimes it only takes one look of disapproval from a loved one or authoritative figure to halt a joyful singer into musical silence. These days in our fast-paced busy lives we are encouraged to take some time for ourselves, to meditate, to reconnect with our Spirit, to do Yoga and basically, to slow down a bit, but we humans are more hungry than ever to taste and experience life with all our senses. We seem to want to see, taste, hear, feel and smell our way through the day from the moment we rise to the moment we sleep. These are face-paced, busy times we're living in right? Don't get me wrong. I love to meditate, but for some of us, sitting in the lotus position listening to a recording of waterfalls isn’t quite what we need sometimes to get us out of our monkey minds. We still want to DO something to relax. Singing offers a beautiful, free, healthy form of escapism, expression and relaxation. It can be done by anybody of any age, fitness level, any status and any other boxes we make to stuff humans into. Singing breaks the soul free from restrictions, restraints, can transform stressed energy trapped inside the body and can release and express experiences so they don’t need to fester inside of you causing dis-ease and disharmony. I’m in love with music, and I am on a quest to help others experience the bliss of musical healing through using their voices and singing. I’m not a medical professional, a counsellor or a trained therapist but I've seen first hand the positive effects music can have on a persons well being, as a musician, mother, teacher, writer and entrepreneur who has consistently used music in my healing path for as long as I can remember. I have over twenty years of singing and songwriting experience. I perform as a professional musician and I am a singing teacher who has worked with people from age 8 to 80. I have witnessed the joy music can bring into a persons life and I believe this is a gift that can be given to all. I want to share with you some fun and easy ways to bring the magic and joy of music, writing and singing into your life and whether you're an aspiring professional like myself or you just want a new hobby like some of my students, you will surely get something out of the content I will be sharing with you here.
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